

Git is so popular around the developer world, as well as Github. Nowadays almost every developer could use git a bit. It was hard to imagine this situation in several years ago.

To master your development tool would help you focus on development itself. And provide more information when hacking code.

Git has so many commands, and each commands have many parameters. It is common that people says “Oh! I don’t know we can use Git like that!”. This article is for sharing some commands I use often. Hope it helps, and I hope you can share your tips as well.

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2018/04/02 Update: add 2.1.12 doc download point

ReactiveX is cool, as well as RxJava. If you are developing app and using RxJava, of course you often refer RxJava documentations. I would like to refer its javadoc from my local host, but cannot find out a download point. Therefore I make a copy and upload it.

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朋友要搭廉航到東京初次嘗試自由行,不是很清楚怎麼到東京車站。所以寫這篇給他,順便放上來給需要的人。畢竟我自己第一次搭到成田機場的時候,從 Google map 上也是看了一下卻不很清楚怎麼坐,尤其初次到東京若沒有網路,總是會有點緊張。

我是搭乘機場的京成巴士,在東京、成田機場之間往返,單程單人是 1000 日圓,約一個小時三十分鐘左右的車程。因為是走高速公路,聽朋友說有可能會遇上塞車,要省錢還是要搭時間比較穩定的鐵道,就看個人喜好了。

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I guess most of people alreay read the post Retrofit 2 — Upgrade Guide from 1.9, me too. It listed some points for upgrading. If you used Retrofit 1.x in production, you might get more problem than the guide in upgrading, at least I did. Just make a memo here for myself and other poor guy.

I had problems such as

  • Primitive String was wrapped by double quotes
  • Upload multipart-form by using RequestBody doesn’t work
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用 Android Studio 的時候經常會用 debugger 設定 breakpoint 停下來抓蟲。step trace 的時候往往也會跳進 sdk 裡面的 code。Android Studio 會 decompile 並且找 source code 來幫助我們 trace

  • Android Studio 會看 build.gradle 裡面的 compileSdkVersion 來決定開發環境用的 sdk version
  • 如果設定成 23,就會去找 API 23 的 source code。所以要用 Android SDK Manager 下載 API 23 的 source code
  • 如果是用 emulator 當開發環境,記得也要把 image 版本設定到相同的 API 23
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這個問題持續發生好長一段時間了:只要同時選擇了兩個以上的物件,Inkscape 就會 crash。問題簡單來說就是中文翻譯的問題,所以用其他語言的人不會遇到。

For debian inkscape 0.91, It only happens in Traditional-Chinese conext.

You could reproduce this problem by launching inkscape in Traditional-Chinese context. (It won’t happen in Simplified-Chinese context. explain later).

$ LANGUAGE=zh_TW.utf8 /usr/bin/inkscape

Then create any two objects, select all of them. boom!

If you only need workaroud for now.

$ LANGUAGE=en_US /usr/bin/inkscape

因為困擾我超久的,今天就用 gdb 稍微追一下問題

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賀!今天是 520 總統交接的日子。


2008 年還完全不懂政治的時候,我也投過馬一票。後來各種爭議事件愈來愈多,唸了一些書本、理論、歷史,價值觀大轉變。反倒是盼他趕緊下台,給台灣留點機會,不要全部輸光了。


雖然我不喝酒,但我喜歡 Pixel Art 的風格,買了兩瓶給老爸。

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最近在設定開發環境的時候有個使用 docker volume 的機會,在這邊筆記一下指令,以便自己下次查詢使用。

比起在系統裡面裝一個 postgresql,我比較喜歡透過 docker 來使用。藉此降低對 host packages 的相依性,雖然會有一些效能上的 overhead 我覺得還是值得。

既然要用 docker,馬上就要考慮 persistent data 的問題:如何把資料獨立在 image 之外來保存?,第一個聽到的解答就是 volume,因為開發需要,我的需求又有點不一樣

  • 希望能用官方的 pg image
  • db 資料是獨立的,這樣可以獨立升級 pg 版本
  • db 的資料希望能有 snapshot,這樣方便寫 unit test 或是開發,不管怎麼惡搞資料都能簡單回復


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RecyclerView 是個在 Google I/O 2014 出現的 ViewGroup,放在 v7 support libraries,Android 2.1(API Level 7) 以上的版本都可以用,以現在普及率來看,幾乎是每一支手機都能用。

RecyclerView 預設就提供了三種 LayoutManager,如上圖,由左而右依序是 ListLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager 與 StaggeredGridLayoutManager。都放在 v7 support libraries 裡面。

看起來 List 與 Grid 已經重複了,為何 Android 還要多提供這個 Widget?

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